Thursday, November 25, 2010

Blessings on this Thanksgiving!

So, you've noticed that I am not posting very much. It's always my goal. I read all my friends blog and day dream about what I would post if I were posting. I thought about that and have come up with two reasons (er, excuses). One, I used to have a desktop computer that I did everything on. I love a desktop. But when Max came we have to make room ( which i happily did :)) for him so Bye bye went my computer room. Robb sweetly tries to teach me the ways of laptops ( which I used as coasters and kill) then he tried getting the iPad ( really for himself and his work, but for me to try to blog on,too) and I love the thought and the work involved in getting these devices to me, however, I am a desktop kinda girl. I miss my desktop. This typing on the iPad isn't the same. I know, silly to complain about, right. Poor me. It just cramps my style.

Reason numero dos, is that I have been harboring information that I didn't want to blab just yet. Yet, all I can think about is how to say it. So, here goes... We are expecting a sweet baby end of May/early June. I am in awe. I really was nervous if we would be able to conceive after the miscarriage earlier in the year. Then once we were pregnant it was seeing if the new regimen would get us farther than the last pregnancy. Now here we are 12.5 weeks along. I have had several doctor appts and everything seems like it's going well. I have a swelling midsection and the nausea has been non-stop for about 5 weeks. Although, I'll take that as a constant reminder of just how blessed we are to be here.

As, I think about this Thanksgiving and the rest of the holiday season, I feel blessed to be right where I am. That my family is healthy and that we are together ( or will be after I get home from work). So, each of you I am thankful for, too! I hope your day is spent well with family or friends and counting your blessings! Happy Thanksgiving!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPa


  1. SO excited for your family! We will keep you on our daily prayer list until this sweet little one makes his or her grand entrance into this amazing world!

    Happy Thanksgiving - hope you can keep some turkey down ;-)
    Gen, Aaron & fam

  2. Congrats, Sarah! Such good news!

  3. So excited for you Lovenox pal! :-)

  4. So excited for you guys :) Congrats!!!
