Saturday, January 28, 2012

8 months

January 27th, 2012

Gracie is 8 months today. She crawls but army crawls when she wants to be fast. She starting pulling herself up on things this week. She eats regular food in baby sized pieces. She has no teeth but more hair than Max had at a this point. She started sleeping through the night again about 2-3 weeks ago, which is heaven! She is a mommas girl but loves her daddy. Her brother is her best friend. She loves watching him, I can only imagine how much she is learning from him. She can wave "hi" and "bye". And I think she gets signing all done but hasn't figured out how to twist her wrists yet so it looks like a double wave. She mumbles mama-mama and is pretty good with saying ba. Even though I have seen this once before it amazes me how these tiny being put all this together so quickly.

Max is 3 years and 2months. He says the funniest things. His imagination is endless. He recently, although I still confused to how he found, is enamored red with monster truck and want to go to a "show". "grave digger, grave digger, grave digger" it's all I've heard today! You have got to love goggle and you tube! He other passion has been zamboni's since the wild game we went to thanksgiving weekend. He has made up his own song and knows the complete first verse of Martin Zellars Zamboni song. " I went down to the mocha marina ( local arena) and asked to see the manager man. He came from his office said on can I help you. I looked at him and said yes, you can. I want to drive the zamboni, I want to drive the zam-Bon-i...." If you can't tell it's a hit!
He just finished his fourth ECFE semester and we are enrolled for a mixed ge class to include Gracie starting next Tuesday! Max knows most of his letters and numbers 1-10. He can say the numbers and show you on his had or with toys. I say toys I mean cars or dogs! Something's don't change!

Robb set up a little " grocery store" and he has had lots of fun shopping, ringing out, bagging up and driving his bag home in his cozy coupe. I hope to video tape it. He is such a grown up. He told me yesterday that to make Gracie's oatmeal " you just pour it in a bowl, put milk in it and stir it up and give it to her" then I asked what else he knew how to make. He said toast. " you go to the store, buy bread, come home and eat it!" genius, really!

One of our favorite quotes Robb told me about was getting Max dressed and Robb asked him if he wanted to wear the Hamm's shirt, that Robb made. He looked at Robb incredulously and said " no dad, that's a Hamm's shirt, it's for sleeping'". So funny, I use all my Hamm's shits as sleep shirts!

He is so good with logo cognition. He knows Jimmy John's, Potbelly, target... Okay so maybe we go these places a bit.

He still love to run and we are back to playing 'cops and robbers' in the basement, which is really running round and sometimes chasing each other.

Seriously, my kids are growing up. I love my time with them. Probably because I get go to work. I get away and come home to appreciate how good I have it. A great husband, who is not perfect, yet perfect for me. Healthy, happy, beautiful babies. I gush, but I want to remember all this and at the rate we are going who has time to commit it to memory. We just keep going!

Happy 8 months, little! We celebrated by getting new big girl car seats! She has been at the limit of the" bucket" now for a few weeks! It was time!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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