day 3, June 14th, Giants game day
IWith our early bedtime the day before Max was up at 545 West coast time. So we took the opportunity to get a move on it early. Robb made some egg mcmuffins and I feed Max and got packed up for our trip back to SF and then on to Napa. It was a bright, sunny day! We had some beautiful vista and stopped along the way for some pictures of the surroundings. We found some 'happy cows" from CA and sheepies. The trip was much more enjoyable for all of us. We got into San Fran a little early and drove past the finish line for the Escape to Alcatraz triathalon. What a fabulous day for it! I think is was in the mid 70's when we got in. We parked in a pier just down from AT &T stadium. What a awesome stadium. Seriously, I just kept thinking, wow this is great! Outdoors, on a great day with a beer and some baseball! The Giants were playing their across bay rivals the Oakland A's. I think we knew more A's names than Giants but we still rooted for the home team. Robb prepared us ahead of time by buying me a jersey with Akerson 2 on the back ( my number, same as my vikings jersey =)), Robb got a hat and Max got a little Giants hoodie! We had so much fun, I am so glad we made the trip back down and we were able to make it to a game! Max fell fell asleep on the way out so we took aour time getting back to the car.
We recieved a B&B gift card from our wedding and decided to cash it in on a B&B in Napa Valley. So, we headed up to Napa after the game. It was a relatively short drive. Napa was different than I had suspected. The B&B was great. Very nice and fun. I don't think they get many babies though. I think we got a few looks. By the time we got in it had been a long day and we just wanted to unwind. Lotsa driving and sitting through the game and getting out of the parking lot and driving again. We needed a simple dinner so we got some take in and got comfy. I set up my new laptop we bought at costco and we googled. On the drive into SF I saw a target and we made a stop. Can't pass up a target, no way! right next door was Costco, so we took a look. We had been talking this last year about getting me a new computer, so we just did it. yay!
Anyway, we looked at the map and planned out our day in Napa and the route back to Point Arena.
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